Spiritual and Theological Resources:
Laudato Si, by Pope Francis: Click here.
Following Jesus in a Warming World, by Kyle Meyaard-Schaap: Click here.
"On Earth as it is in Heaven" weekly blog by Allen Drew: Click here:
Life After Doom, by Brian D. McLaren: Click here.
Beyond Stewardship, ed. Warners and Heun: Click here.
3-part theological deep dive into climate justice from a Christian perspective by Allen Drew. Click here.
"On Earth as it is in Heaven": Climate Justice Theological Intensive. Allen Drew taught a Biblically-driven seminar on climate justice at Missio Seminary in Philadelphia in April 2021. Email him here if you'd like him to teach it at your church or institution.
Young Evangelicals for Climate Action (YECA) Creation Care Bible Study: Click here.
CRCNA's "Do Justice" Podcast - episode on Allen Drew's climate justice work in Hunting Park: Click here.
Biblical Climate Justice Google Slides Presentation by Allen Drew (CWP Regional Organizer): Email for access here.
Climate Podcasts:
"Outrage and Optimism" - the best climate podcast I know: Click here.
"Language of God" from Biologos - thoughtful podcast about faith and science : Click here.
"Pitchfork Economics" - podcast about middle out economics (which is highly related to climate): Click here.
Climate Film Resources:
Katharine Hayoe Ted Talk on Climate Crisis: Click here.
"Kiss the Ground" Documentary about regenerative agriculture: Click here​.
"The Story of Plastic" Documentary (film and resources on the plastic problem): www.storyofplastic.org
"Paris to Pittsburgh" Documentary: https://www.paristopittsburgh.com/
"This is Hunting Park" Documentary Series - 6-part series on climate justice stories in and around Hunting Park, Philadelphia, complete with study guide: www.crcna.org/hunting-park
"Climate Conversation: Bangladesh" video and study guide by the CWP: Click here.
Climate Video Short (really excellent - about 4 min): Click here.
"I am Greta" Documentary about Greta Thunberg. Click here.
Miscellaneous Good Books on Climate:
Braiding Sweetgrass, by Robin Wall Kimmerer. Click here.
The Ministry for the Future, by Kim Stanley Robinson: Click here.
On Fire: The Burning Case for the Green New Deal, by Naomi Klein. Click here.
The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming, by David Wallace-Wells: Click here.
Following Jesus in a Warming World, by Kyle Meyaard-Schaap: Click here.
Life After Doom, by Brian D. McLaren: Click here.
Scientific Resources:
Climate Tracker on the projections of current public policies on global temperature rise: https://climateactiontracker.org/
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change – www.ipcc.ch
IPCC Report on the Critical Need to Keep Warming Under 1.5 C: https://www.ipcc.ch/sr15/
NASA webpage on climate change: https://climate.nasa.gov/evidence/
Resource on the importance of data science in fighting climate change:
Carbon Footprint Reduction Resources:
Hunting Park Community Solar Initiative Workshop videos on energy efficiency and weatherization, rooftop solar, and solar jobs - click here.
Net Zero Household CWP Page - click the tab above (or here) for lots of resources on this
Project Drawdown (climate solutions): https://drawdown.org/
Climate Advocacy Organizations:
Go here for the Net Zero Household tab and scroll to the bottom for a list of excellent ones.